Introduction to MS PowerPoint What is MS PowerPoint?

What is MS PowerPoint? , Introduction to MS PowerPoint – Functions, Uses and Features. MS PowerPoint – 2019

In this article, I am going to tell you about Microsoft PowerPoint, What is MS PowerPoint in English, why MS PowerPoint is used and what is its specialty?

Introduction to MS PowerPoint What is MS PowerPoint? , What is MS PowerPoint in English?

So let's start, first of all know the introduction of PowerPoint and what is MS PowerPoint?

As you all know, Microsoft PowerPoint is a part of Microsoft Office. Which you can take from the official website of Microsoft.

MS PowerPoint is a great application which is used for presentation.

MS PowerPoint is an application which is used in big companies to present data in the form of presentation.

So that any senior manager or owner of the company can understand at a glance how the company's performance is going.

What work needs to be done in the company? How much sales were made in the company? Where is the company's progress going?

They understand all these things by seeing them once in the presentation and many big companies use MS PowerPoint to make presentations. So to present the data well, it is very important for you to use Microsoft Power Point.

With the help of MS PowerPoint application, you can create a great presentation and you can impress all the senior managers of your company through an attractive presentation to present your company's data.

How to install MS PowerPoint? , Install MS PowerPoint in English

So friends, it has been discussed that what is PowerPoint? Now we will see how we install MS PowerPoint in our computer and how can we open it and use it?

As I mentioned above, Microsoft PowerPoint is a part of Microsoft Office.

If you install MS Office, Power Point is also automatically installed along with it.

So to install Power Point you must have MS Office package and with MS Office suite you can install it very easily.

You can install any version of MS Office or MS PowerPoint, the latest version is 2019. Which is quite latest, apart from this you can use 2017 or 2013.

There is not much difference between the new and old versions but in the new version you get to see some new and great features.

MS PowerPoint file is also known as PPT.

How to start MS PowerPoint? , Start MS PowerPoint in English

Once PowerPoint is installed, how do you start it on your computer?

You can open MS Power Point in your computer in 3 ways. Follow the steps given below:

The first thing is that you go to Start, go to Applications and select Power Point.
The second way is to go to Start and search for PowerPoint, which will bring the icon of PowerPoint application in front of you and you can open PowerPoint by clicking on it.
The third method is run command. In run command you enter powerpnt and press enter. PowerPoint will start on your computer. Keep in mind that you have to type powerpnt in the run command only then it will open the power point. If you type Powerpoint on completion then run command gives you error.

          After opening PowerPoint, you see screens like this.

1. Recent – ​​In which you see the option of Recent, that is, all the PowerPoint files or PPTs that we have opened recently will be visible here.  

2. Template – Apart from this, you see different types of templates of PowerPoint. Where Microsoft gives you pre-made free PPT templates. Where you get to see a lot of templates.

Which you can also use for business. You can see different types of templates here.  

3. Blank Template – And also you get another option of blank template.  We are going to create our own PPT presentation from the blank template.1 To create our own presentation, we will choose the blank template. As soon as you click on the blank template, the blank template will open in PowerPoint. Now the Power Point environment opens in front of us.

4. Apart from this you also get options like New, Open, Save, Account, Option etc.

Blank Template in PowerPoint in English

Let us see what options are available in PowerPoint whenever we open a blank template for the first time?

1. Quick Access Toolbar: At the top, you get the Quick Access Toolbar. Quick Access Toolbar is the one from where you can access any selected command very quickly and easily. You can also modify it. We will see in the upcoming article how we can modify the Quick Access Toolbar?

2. Next to it in the center, you see the name of the PPT file, that is, whatever power point you save by giving it a name, it comes here and on the right side, you get the user's name, minimize, maximize and close options.

3. Below that you get the menu where on the left side you get the File option from where you get options like New, Save, Save As, Print, Export, Account, Options etc.

Apart from this you get different types of tabs. Groups of commands are available and in which you get different types of tabs like Home, Insert, Draw, Design, Transition, Animation, Slide Show, Record, Review, View, Help etc.  
In every tab you get a ribbon, inside the ribbon you get group commands. Like inside Home Tab you get group commands like Clipboard, Slides, Font etc. 

In every tab you get a ribbon, inside the ribbon you get group commands. Like inside Home Tab you get group commands like Clipboard, Slides, Font etc. 
And inside every group command, different types of very useful and useful commands are found. For example, in Clipboard group commands you get commands like cut, copy, Paste, Format Painter. Which we use while creating PPT presentation in Power Point.

4. When we go to the blank template in MS PowerPoint, there is only one slide and it is the default slide. In which two textboxes named title and subtitle are made.  

5. Apart from this, you can add many new slides in PowerPoint as per your need. On the left side you get to see the slide view. Which we can also call navigation.  Where you can go to different slides and add a new slide, delete a slide or remove a slide.

How to add a new slide in MS PowerPoint? , Add New Slide in MS PowerPoint in English

To quickly add a new slide in MS PowerPoint, we can use its shortcut keys CTRL + M.
So to add a new slide we have to go to the Home tab.
Inside the Home tab, you have to go inside the Slide group.

While you get some important commands related to slides, you get two options for new slides:

1. As soon as you click on the icon of the slide, another new slide is added just below the slide that is selected. So if you select any slide and click on this icon, a new slide is automatically added below the selected slide.

2. Apart from this, you see a drop down button below the slide icon. Where you get lots of slide options. Where you get to see options to add different types of slide layouts.

With the help of which you can choose the layout of the slide as per your need and use it in your presentation. As soon as you click on the slide layout of your choice, the slide of that layout gets added below the selected slide.

Now suppose you want to add a new slide between any two slides. So for that you have to click between the two slides. Where you will see an orange colored line, which indicates that you have selected the area between the two slides.  

Now whatever slide you add, the new slide will be inserted between those two slides.

So, if you ever want to add a new slide between any two slides in the future, then click between the two slides and then to add a new slide, press CTRL + M or from the option of New Slide, you can select any one there. Can add new slides.

How to delete a slide in MS PowerPoint? , Delete Slide in MS PowerPoint in English

We have seen how we can add a slide in MS PowerPoint. Now we will see how to delete an unwanted slide in MS PowerPoint?

To delete any unwanted slide in MS PowerPoint, you have to select that slide with a single click of the mouse and just press the delete button from the keyboard. By doing just this, the selected slide will be deleted.

Or to delete an unwanted slide in MS PowerPoint, right click on that slide and then click on the Delete Slide command. The slide you selected will be deleted.

How to duplicate a slide in MS PowerPoint? , Duplicate Slide in MS PowerPoint in English

We just saw how we can add a new slide in MS PowerPoint? And how can I delete an unwanted slide? Now we will learn how to duplicate a slide in MS PowerPoint. So follow the steps given below to duplicate a slide in MS PowerPoint.

You have to select the slide which you want to duplicate.
Then right click your mouse on that slide
Now select the option of Duplicate Slide, due to which whatever slide is selected will be duplicated.

Change slide layout in PowerPoint. Change layout of Slide in PowerPoint in English

In Power Point, whenever we add a new slide by selecting a slide, a new slide is added below the slide you have selected.

If you want to change the layout of a slide, that is, you want to change the layout of the text boxes inside the slide, then you can do so by following the steps given below.

You have to select that slide
And then select the option of Change Layout in the Slides group inside the Home Tab.
Click whatever layout you want to apply or update to the slide.
With this, the new slide layout will be applied to the selected slide and the existing layout will be removed from there.

Add Text Box to MS PowerPoint Slide | Insert Text Box in Slide in PowerPoint in English

Suppose you have taken a blank slide, now you do not want to add any layout to it, you want to add a separate text box of your choice in it.

For that, you have to select the text box inside the text group in the Insert tab and which you can easily add to the slides.

Free MS PowerPoint Course In English

Friends, you can learn PowerPoint for free from this course created by

MS PowerPoint Urdu/Hindi Tutorial for Beginners / Everyone Should learn this to create Presentation

Madem on YouTube or you can easily learn it from the link of the video given below.

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